Learn more about our Lake Center Christian School faculty and staff by searching or selecting a name.

Amacher, Holly

Senior High English Language Arts Teacher/CCP World History/Model UN Advisor

M.A. Medieval History - University of Kentucky

Amann, Sandra

Kindergarten Teacher (KA)

B.A. Elementary Education - Malone University

Arbaugh, Brooke

5th-12th Grade Choral Music/Play Director

Austin, Lisa

Recess Monitor

Bailey, Monique

Senior High School Counselor

M.A. Counseling Education - Malone University

Bailey, Susan

Cafeteria Staff

Ballinger, Ariel

Bus Driver

Bancroft, CJ

JV Boys Soccer Coach

Barber, JoAnn

Kindergarten Teacher (KB)

B.S. Elementary Education - Malone University

Beltz, Sarah

Junior and Senior High Team Teacher

Benson, Charles

Facilities Staff

Bernardo, Jana

Educational Aide

B.S. Nursing – Kent State University Joined LCCS in 2022...

Amacher, Holly

Position: Senior High English Language Arts Teacher/CCP World History/Model UN Advisor
Email: hamacher@lccs.com

  • B.A. History – Muskingum College
  • M.A. Medieval History – University of Kentucky
  • Joined LCCS in 2014

Favorite thing about LCCS: Building relationships with students and helping them fulfill their potential.

Favorite Scripture: Ephesians 3:16-19

While I was working on my PhD., I took a job at CVCA and fell in love with teaching teenagers. I knew that this was my calling, so when my kids were all in school and I was ready to return to the classroom, I was blessed to be able to continue that call at LCCS. My prayer for my students is that they would know Jesus and fall in love with him and follow him.

Amann, Sandra

Position: Kindergarten Teacher (KA)
Email: samann@lccs.com

  • B.A. Elementary Education – Malone University
  • Additional Certifications: ACSI
  • Joined LCCS in 1998

Favorite thing about LCCS: The students!!

Favorite Scripture: Hebrews 10:23

My prayer is that all my students would know and love Jesus with all their hearts!! It is an honor and blessing to be with them each day!!

Arbaugh, Brooke

Position: 5th-12th Grade Choral Music/Play Director
Email: barbaugh@lccs.com

Austin, Lisa

Position: Recess Monitor
Email: laustin@lccs.com

Bailey, Monique

Position: Senior High School Counselor
Email: mbailey@lccs.com

  • B.A. Psychology – Malone University
  • M.A. Counseling Education – Malone University
  • Joined LCCS in 2018

Favorite thing about LCCS: How we encourage and pray for each other and our students and families.

Favorite Scripture: John 1:2-4

I have worked with kids from Pre-K to high school for twenty-one years. It has always been my heart’s desire to help kids develop a deep relationship with Christ. In 2018, God answered a long awaiting prayer when I was hired as the secondary guidance counselor here at Lake Center. My prayer for our students is that they leave here with a strong rooted relationship for Christ and become amazing disciples for Him.

Bailey, Susan

Position: Cafeteria Staff
Email: sbailey@lccs.com

Light Blue Bust Silhouette

Ballinger, Ariel

Position: Bus Driver
Email: aballinger@lccs.com

Light Blue Bust Silhouette

Bancroft, CJ

Position: JV Boys Soccer Coach

Barber, JoAnn

Position: Kindergarten Teacher (KB)
Email: jbarber@lccs.com

  • B.S. Elementary Education with emphasis in Early Childhood Education – Malone University
  • Joined LCCS in 2011

Favorite thing about LCCS: I enjoy having the long history of being part of this community as a teacher, parent, and supporter.

Favorite Scripture: 2 Peter 1:3 (but it changes!)

My calling as a teacher is to see my students as God’s image bearers and to create a place where they can develop their unique skills and talents in a developmentally and spiritually appropriate atmosphere. My prayer for my students is that they begin to know God as their Father, Christ as their Savior, and the Holy Spirit as their helper.

Light Blue Bust Silhouette

Beltz, Sarah

Position: Junior and Senior High Team Teacher
Email: sbeltz@lccs.com

Benson, Charles

Position: Facilities Staff
Email: cbenson@lccs.com

Bernardo, Jana

Position: Educational Aide
Email: jbernardo@lccs.com

  • B.S. Nursing – Kent State University
  • Joined LCCS in 2022

Favorite thing about LCCS: Integrating faith with support and encouragement to help guide students in their spiritual and academic growth.

Favorite Bible Verse: Lamentations 3:22-23

Why do I love Lake Center: “I love the close-knit community at LCCS, and that the learning environment is rooted in Christian values and principles. My prayer for the students is that they grow in their faith, trust in God’s plan, and seek His wisdom in all they do.”

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