Shaffer, Gretchen

Position: Director of Curriculum and Instruction
  • M.A. in Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development – Malone College
  • B.S. in Elementary Education – Malone College
  • Joined LCCS in 1999

Favorite thing about LCCS: I love working with a great team of educators who are committed to both serving Christ and to leading students in learning.

Favorite Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6

While I knew I wanted to be a teacher at an early age, I did not know that God would lead me into Christian Education or to a position as an administrator. After serving at LCCS in 6th grade for 11 years I moved into a part time position for two years and then began my current role in the 2012-2013 school year.

My prayer for all students comes from the end of Ephesians chapter 3, that each one would have Christ in their heart, be rooted and established in love, and have power, to grasp how wide, long, high, and deep is His love.

I pray each graduate leaves Lake Center ready for their future with the motivation and skills to serve in whatever way the Lord calls them.

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